1313 Rendering Platform

L’eftspace — Chicago Architecture Foundation

Chicago, IL

In our submission for CAF's 50 Wards exhibit, we advocate for an adjustment of mindset from the currently popular Transit-Oriented Developments to the design and implementation of projects along the 'L' lines that fulfill the promise of transit-oriented experiences. L’eftspace is located between the Belmont and Wellington 'L' stops in Chicago’s 44th Ward. It proposes various uses and activities in the spaces above, below, and to the train tracks' sides and connects a neighborhood.

The tracks' area is transformed into a thriving pedestrian lane filled with pop-up shops and food trucks. Filtered sunlight allows zones of landscaping. Space to either side of the train line is used for a new type of residential unit, one that is geared to maximum convenience and connection. Imagine waking up, preparing breakfast alongside the 'L' platform, and catching the next Loop-bound train to work: bed-to-brown line in a blink. Above the tracks, air rights are strategically sold, create working and living spaces, and provide units with uninterrupted city views.

1313 Moorman Thumbnail
1313 Moorman 01
1313 Moorman 02
1313 Rendering Artist Loft V2