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Assembly Building Concept

East Africa


The team’s design centers around restoring the native ecology of the adjacent forest together with the natural hydrology and native soil, blending with nature, and providing meaningful varieties of inspiring places to meet and collaborate, in, out, and around the assembly building, emphasizing comfort, community, identity, health, and a sense of wellness. Together with the use of local materials and methods, these design principles re-define African Modernism.

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KSP Design Attitude


The landscape bridges between the metropolitan area and an ancient forest. The modern perimeter of the forest is marked by forest edge effect (drier conditions, lighter colors, confluence of invasive species, bite-mark edge profiles) indicating the progressive deterioration of the forest boundaries caused by urbanization. The project aims to reverse this effect and let the forest advance forward, symbiotically with the built environment. This effort will enable suppression of invasive species, proliferation of native flora and fauna, natural waterways restoration, and native topsoil protection.

UNON Landscape Strategy 01
UNON Landscape Strategy 02


In response to the need for a regenerative environment, the assembly building is conceived as the native landscape gently rising up in a spiraling incline. The benefit of this approach includes:

· Retention of native topsoil (the soil removed for construction will be returned to its original location above and around the building)

· Maximizing permeable surfaces for aquifer recharge and fresh water run-off mitigation

· Superb interior climate control (soil’s specific heat is ideal for daytime cooling effect from heat absorption and natural insulating properties

· Natural ventilation opportunities

· Many varieties in places-of-gathering adjacent to the assembly functions

· Biophilic amenities

· Universal access


The circulation integrated with landscape provides a pleasantly meandering path within 1:20 slope for universal access. For those in a hurry, a direct route discreetly cuts through the landscape by means of integrated steps. The solar shades and lush perimeter planting creates a pleasant outdoor climate for informal gathering functions. The seats and bleachers made of native stone and recycled wood material blends with the local plant life creating distinct varieties of places suited for conversations, collaborations, or personal space.

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The assembly building is situated to allow people to see the forest in harmony with the blended architecture. The building in the forest view will be experienced as a natural identity.

240531 Modified Balcony Level Ground Floor


The 1,500 seat capacity assembly building is designed for connection and communication, heightening a sense of connectedness. “If you can’t see, you can’t hear” was one of the key design principles, and utilizing technology as a window rather than a barrier. The ovoid plan provides the best sight lines to the dais, from the very front to the far edges of the seating arrangements, maintaining a sense of inclusion wherever spectators are seated.

The acoustic properties are paramount. The angled walls, microperforated acoustic wood panels, and even the ceiling light baffles enhance the acoustic experience helping the clarity of acoustic communication and providing a comfortable soundscape.

Ample natural daylight is provided through the various skylights and clerestory windows. The ceiling baffles balance the natural light mitigating glare while providing a sense of passage of time as the skylight course through the circadian cycle. This provides time awareness and visual comfort that contribute to effective thinking and decision making. The clerestory windows also allow direct view out connecting the delegates directly with nature as forest matures around and over the assembly building.

The assembly building also utilizes displacement climate strategy powered by a passive heating and cooling system that utilizes underground labyrinth cooled air and solar chimneys on the roof.

The assembly building concept accommodates attendee layouts (desks, support staff seating, conference technologies), translator booths, and media/spectator balcony.

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240531 Modified Assembly Building
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11 Sustainability Diagram Looking N 01 ARROW DAY 01
12 Sustainability Diagram Looking N 01 ARROW NIGHT 02


The assembly building is a highly practical application of the most human approach to a building that can heal and regenerate the ecology. It is a testament to a human design principle that aims to be cost-effective, highly useful, regenerative, and biomimetic (like nature) all at the same time.