Chicago Boogie Woogie Axon

Chicago Boogie-Woogie

Chicago, IL

Chicago Boogie-Woogie is a re-imagined model of urban ownership and living on five Chicago lots. As part of the Inaugural Chicago Biennial, the project was on exhibit in the Garland Gallery at the Chicago Cultural Center.

When you own a unit here, you own a bed, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, café, restaurant, florist shop, barbershop, workshop, and a library.

You own everything — even an orchard.

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Three buildings are oriented parallel to street and alley in a fundamental break from the typical development pattern, creating interconnected and secure collective courtyard spaces lined with stores and shops. Private living units, affordable due to their size range, are supported by adjacent areas of collective space in which living, dining, and socializing functions occur.

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